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How to translate default Language?
What is default language?Default Language is the language you set for your store on Shopify. Your visitors will see this language if their preferred language isn't available. Langwill will use this language as the first language to translate to other translation languages. If the default language selected for your store does not match the language filled out in your product information, and you wish to display the default language to customers.For example: If your store language is set to English, but your product information is written in German, and you want to present your store in English to users.In this case, you have two ways to translate the default language.1. Active basic translation for default language. Please note that When a translation language is set as the default, editing the translation results is temporarily not supported. 2. Change your default language. Change the default language of your shop to the correct language.We recommend the second method so that you can edit the translations to show a more accurate translation of the store1. Active basic translation for default language. Click on ‘Add language’, then select the default language and click on “Translate”.Please note that editing default language translations is not supported at this time. To disable translation, please delete that language.2. Change your default language.Just simply go to Shopify admin --> Settings --> Languages --> Published languages -> Click on the button Change default --> Select the actual language in which you fill in the product information.After switching to the language in which you filled in the product information, you can then switch back to our product, add the language you want to show to your users, and then edit the translation results.Please note that if you switch the default language, all text in your default language will be lost. If you want to keep the text in the original default language, you can do the following steps.For example, if you want to change the default language from English to German, you can:1. Backup translations (English) text: Ensure that you have a backup of all your existing translations. Exporting the CSV file with current translations2. Switch the default language to German3. Manually re-import translations: If the translations are not automatically carried over when changing the default language, you can try manually re-importing them using the exported CSV file. Choose the new default language (German) and use the "Upload file" option to import the CSV file containing the translations. Shopify should map the translations from the file to the appropriate fields.
How to translate content from third-party apps?
We interface with the Shopify API to retrieve text for translation. If a translation is missing in the "Manage Translation" page via Global Search, it may originate from a third-party app. In such cases, you can translate the content using the App Translation feature or the Visual Editor .If it comes from: Parcel Panel Order Tracking, PageFly, Product Reviews, use app translation for translation.If it is from other apps, please use the Visual Editor or Page element for translation.APP TranslationWe have successfully integrated with the following third-party apps, allowing you to manage their translations directly within Langwill.Parcel Panel Order Product ReviewsYou can find three apps mentioned above under the menu path: App >> Translation >> App Translation.We implemented deep integration with Parcel Panel Order Tracking and PageFly. After completing the installation, you can click “Edit” to go to the edit page and then edit the translation manually, or click “Translate All” for machine translation.As for Product Reviews, when enabled, the reviews will be dynamically translated.Visual EditorIt works by retrieving your text directly from the front end and replacing it in real-time. This means that the same text across different pages only needs to be translated once.Go to the Translation> Visual editor to use it.Click on "Visual edit" Then, you'll be redirected to your website, with the ability to edit all your translations. To edit a translation, click on the text you want to edit. A box will pop out, and you will be able to change the translations. You have the possibility to reach specific pages with the URL bar on the top left of the screen:When your edits are done, you can go to your website and refresh it; you should see the translated content edited.Page ElementClick on "View history" >= Click on"Add element"Step 1: Choose the element type; there are three types available here.When using the Page Element text type, it retrieves and replaces the text directly from the front end based on your input. For ID and Class types, the text is replaced by matching the specific ID or Class you input, ensuring precise control over the text replacementText: Input the original text that you want to translate. Class: The class corresponding to the content you want to translate. You need to open your store's page, click the "Inspect ," then hover and click on the area you wish to translate. After that, you can see the class corresponding to the text, copy the class, and paste it into the resource text box.ID: The id corresponding to the content you want to translate. Just like the way you find the class. Please note that not all texts have corresponding IDs. If you cannot find an ID, please use the other two types.Step 2: Choose the page you want to work Choose the page you want to work and click "Next"Step 3: Translate the element textClick "Translate All" to perform the translation for all Languages, or edit the translation, and then click "Save."When your edits are done, you can go to your website and refresh it; you should see the translated content edited.
Glossary(Add translation rules)
In this article, you will find how to exclude word(s) such as brand name, navigation on menu bar, etc to be never translated or always translated in a custom way which is called Glossary feature.First, go to Settings >> Glossary >> Click on "Add rules" Enter text (default word) that you want to set rule.Select translation language if you want the rule to be applied to all the language or just for a specific one.If you want to perform a case-sensitive replacement, check the "Case sensitive" option.  As shown in the figure below, set Always translate 'Etranslate' to 'Etranslate'". If this option is not checked, variations like "ETranslate" and "ETRANSLATE" will all be translated to "Etranslate". However, if this option is checked, only the exact match "Etranslate" will be translated to "Etranslate", and the others will not be.Click on the "Save" button.Now, your rule has been automatically added to the Translation exceptions list.Please note that once you have added a rule, the glossary rule will only apply to translations made subsequently. Previously generated translations will not be affected by this rule.
How to edit and manage your translation?
In this  article, we'll show you how to manage translation. You can also check out the video guide.Edit translationAuto update TranslationEdit translation Click the "Manage" button to enter the "Manage Translation" page. And then click on the store page you want to edit to go to the editing page.After entering the editing page, the machine translation results are on the right side. You can correct the translation and then click 'Save' to save your edits. You can also quickly switch between sections using the drop-down menu at the topIf you can't find the content you want to edit, you can use the global search to locate it.Please note that we currently interface with the Shopify API to obtain text for translation. If you cannot find that the translation, it may be that the Shopify API does not provide it, it originates from a third-party app, or the text is in an Iframe format.If it comes from: Parcel Panel Order Tracking, PageFly, Product Reviews, please refer to this article.If it is from other apps, please refer to this article to use the Visual Editor for translation.Auto update Translation.If your store content is updated in the future and you want to automatically update the translations, enable the "Auto Translation" feature.Please note that only "Products" and "Collections" will be automatically sync. For other content, free plan users need to sync manually, while paid users will have an automatic sync from 2 to 3 AM daily. You can also sync immediately by clicking the “Sync” button. If you haven't enabled "Auto Translation," any updates to your store content will not be automatically translated. You can check the number of "Items Translated" to confirm if everything has been translated. And you can click 'Translate' to manually initiate the translation process.First, select the content to update translations; numbers highlighted in yellow indicate that there are new additions or updates to the original content of the module. After selecting, choose the translation type: 'Not-translated' means translating newly added fields of the items, while ' Outdated' means translating where the original content has been changed. After making your selection, click 'Translate'.
How to translate your Shopify store? (New)
In this  article, we'll show you how to translate your Shopify Store. This guide applies to newly registered users after 18 July 2024. If you registered before 18 July 2024, check out this article.Step 1: Add Languages and Translate.Step 2: Edit Translation.Step 3: Publish and Preview.Step 4: Auto update Translation.You can also check out the video guide. Step 1:Add Languages and Translate. Go to Language in the menu bar and select all the languages you want to translate your Shopify store into. After successfully adding a language, the translation will start. When the translation is complete, click the Manage button to go to the Manage Translations page.Step 2: Edit Translation. In the Manage Translation page, click on the store page you want to edit to go to the editing page.After entering the editing page, the machine translation results are on the right side. You can correct the translation and then click 'Save' to save your edits. You can also quickly switch between sections using the drop-down menu at the topIf you can't find the content you want to edit, you can use the global search to locate it.Step 3: Publish and Preview. After editing the translation, you need to click the 'Publish' button to release that language into the live store and click Preview to preview the translated version of your store.Access your store's website, and you can see our widget. You can check the translation status by switching the widget's language.  At this point, the translation of your current store is complete.If you wish to customize the widget further, please refer to this article.Step 4: Auto update Translation.If your store content is updated in the future and you want to automatically update the translations, enable the "Auto Translation" feature. Please note that only "Products" and "Collections" will be automatically sync. For other content, free plan users need to sync manually, while paid users will have an automatic sync from 2 to 3 AM daily. You can also sync immediately by clicking the sync button. If you haven't enabled "Auto Translation," any updates to your store content will not be automatically translated. You can check the number of "Items Translated" to confirm if everything has been translated. And you can click "Translate" to manually execute the translation process.Please note that we currently interface with the Shopify API to obtain text for translation. If you find that the translation is not available through this method, it may be that the Shopify API does not provide it, it originates from a third-party app, or the text is in an Iframe format. If it comes from: Parcel Panel Order Tracking, PageFly, Product Reviews, please refer to this article.If it is from other apps, please refer to this article to use the Visual Editor for translation.
App Translation
For content originating from third-party apps, we have completed integration with these third-party apps, enabling you to manage the translations of third-party app content within our product.Currently, the applications we support include:- Parcel Panel Order Tracking- PageFly- Product ReviewsPlease note that for apps other than these three, we have not integrated them yet, you can use the Visual Editor feature to translate other apps.You can find three apps mentioned above under the menu path: App >> Translation >> App Translation.We implemented deep integration with Parcel Panel Order Tracking and PageFly. After completing the installation, you can click “Edit” to go to the edit page and then edit the translation manually, or click “Translate All” for machine translation.As for Product Reviews, when enabled, the reviews will be dynamically translated.
Auto update Translation
If you update the content of your store, such as adding new products or changing the content of existing blogs, and you want the translations to be updated automatically, please enable the "Auto update Translate" feature.Turn on the auto-update translation button and choose to update translations for:New Content: Content that has been newly added and has never been translated before.Outdated content: Content that has been modified from its original state.New and Outdated Content: Both newly added content and content that has been modified.Please note that after enabling auto-translation, when new content is added or existing content is modified, ensure that all resources have been synchronized before they can be automatically translated.Products and collections are automatically synchronized, so they will be auto-translated in real time. For other resources, they will be automatically synchronized at 2-3 a.m. daily, and after that, it will automatically update the translation.If you haven't enabled "Auto Translation," any updates to your store content will not be automatically translated. You can check the number of "Items Translated" to confirm if everything has been translated.And you can click 'Translate All' to manually initiate the translation process.
How to set up Shopify Market and make it work with Langwill?
In this article, you'll learn what Shopify Markets is and how to ensure compatibility with Langwill.What's Shopify Market?The Shopify Markets feature allows users to create their own international e-markets on their Shopify store and easily sell products in several countries all around the world. With  Shopify Markets,  you can create tailored online shopping experiences for different buyer segments.  Kindly follow this article for more details on how to set up a specific market in Shopify or contact Shopify support for more advice.How to make Markets compatible with Langwill?After you set up market properly in Shopify then you can go to Language menu in the app to add translation language to map your market setting in Shopify. By doing that, you can configure Langwill app to make language worked perfectly with Shopify market.Language >> Manage Translation After you have added a translation language, by default, it will assign this language to all your existing markets. You can see the markets to which the language has been assigned at the bottom right. If you wish to reassign, you can click on "Manage" to set up.If the market you have set up is not displayed, you can click "Sync Shopify markets" to update and synchronize.If it still does not appear after clicking "Sync Shopify markets", please check whether you have set the "Primary domain only" option for the country/region market, which means this market will share the same domain and settings with the Primary market. In this case, if you want to add or remove languages and currencies for this market, please go back to the Shopify market settings to select the subfolders or domains/subdomains option for this market in "Manage domains". Basic concepts about currency in Shopify MarketOnly stores who are using Shopify Payments can manage the pricing for each Market in Shopify. Shopify Payments is only available to stores that operate in certain countries and regions. Kindly learn more about which countries and regions are supported and Shopify Payments requirements for more details.
How to translate Filters?
If the filters on your website have not been translated and the original text resources cannot be found, you can translate them in the following ways.Method One: Translate the Source Text ResourcesIf you are using product variants as filter, the translation of filter values is based on the translated content for your products and product variants. You only need to translate the variant values in the product resources without additional translation. Please note, according to the Shopify documentation, the product tag filter is only displayed to customers shopping in the store's default language. The product vendor filter values are always based on the store's default language.If you are using custom product metafield as filter options, the resources are in the Metafield.The metafield's text type is usually in JSON format. Currently, we do not support the translation of JSON formats. You can translate by downloading the metafield resources, translating them in Excel, and then uploading them. Please ensure that all product metafiles are translated; otherwise, the filter will display both the original and translated filter values.Method Two: Use Page Element for Translation For specific usage, see this article. If most of the filter options use metafields, this method is recommended. Because the filter may display quantities, which are dynamic, we recommend using the Class&ID method of the page element for translation. Please note that the page element is only available for Growth Plan and above.The implementation principle of this method is to replace the text on the front end. If there are new values added to the filter or the class in the code layer changes, you will need to update the page element translation.
How to translate your Shopify store?(Old)
In this  article, we'll show you how to translate your Shopify Store. This guide applies to newly registered users before 18 July 2024. If you registered after 18 July 2024, check out this article.Step 1: Add Translation Languages.Step 2: Translate Content.Step 3: Edit Translation.Step 4: Preview and Publish.Step 5: Auto update Translation.You can also check out the video guide.Step 1:Add Translation Languages. Go to Language in the menu bar and select all the languages you want to translate your Shopify store into. Step 2: Translate Content. First, you need to confirm the translation type. There are  three translation types:Advanced:Automatically translates using an AI engine and allows you to edit the the machine translation results.Basic:Automatically translates using browser's built-in translation feature, unable to edit translation resultsLocked:Language lock, no translation will be performed. Please note that only the "Advanced" language option will generate translation. The Basic type does not produce translations and cannot be edited.For the Advanced type, click the "Translate" button to automatically translate the entire content. You can check the progress of your translation at "Translation status".Step 3: Edit Translation.  For the Advanced type, Click the "Manage" button to enter the Manage Translation page.  And then click on the store page you want to edit to go to the editing page.After entering the editing page, the machine translation results are on the right side. You can correct the translation and then click 'Save' to save your edits. You can also quickly switch between sections using the drop-down menu at the topIf you can't find the content you want to edit, you can use the global search to locate it.Step 4: Preview and Publish. After editing the translation, you need to click the 'Publish' button to release that language into the live store.Secondly, you should go to 'Switcher & Currency' in the menu bar and then click 'Publish' to see the widget for language and currency switching on the store.Access your store's website, and you can see our widget. You can check the translation status by switching the widget's language.  At this point, the translation of your current store is complete.If you wish to customize the widget further, please refer to this article.Step 5: Auto update Translation.If your store content is updated in the future and you want to automatically update the translations, enable the "Auto Translation" feature. Please note that only "Products" and "Collections" will be automatically sync. For other content, free plan users need to sync manually, while paid users will have an automatic sync from 2 to 3 AM daily. You can also sync immediately by clicking the sync button. If you haven't enabled "Auto Translation," any updates to your store content will not be automatically translated. You can check the number of "Items Translated" to confirm if everything has been translated. And you can click "Translate All" to manually execute the translation process.
How is Langwill optimized for multilingual SEO?
In this article, you'll learn how Langwill manages your Shopify store's SEO to ensure that Google indexes your website's language versions.Langwill supports:A unique URL for different language page versionTranslate meta title and meta description on HomepageTranslate meta title and meta description on Product PageLangwill don't support translating URL slugs at this time. 1. A unique URL for different language page versionA unique URL for different language page versions is accomplished through Shopify. For more detailed information, you can refer to the article.A major aspect of selling in multiple languages is making sure that customers and search engines can find the right language version of your site. When you publish a language, unique URLs are created for each translated page in your store. This is done by adding the language code to the URLs.For example, suppose your primary domain is If you publish two additional languages, French (fr) and German (de), then your store URLs will change to and can also have different languages available on different domains by using the international domains feature in Shopify Markets.2. Translate meta title and meta description on HomepageThe title and meta description (Homepage title and Homepage meta description) are included on Preference from your Shopify setting and they will be automatically synced to our app to translateGo to Language =>  Manage Translation=>  Click on "Homepage seo" resource Press on "Translate all" to translate in bulk or manually edit the translation for homepage3. Translate meta title and meta description on Product PageSEO title and description are included on specific product page and you need to differently customize the title name as well as description in order to optimize them on search enginesGo to Language =>  Manage Translation=>  Click on "Product" resourceSelect the needed products => Manually edit the translation for Meta title and Meta description.Please note that according to Shopify, if you have not manually edited the Meta title and Meta description, Shopify will display the text from your original default language in the corresponding translated language page.
What to do when the navigation bar style changes after translation?
If after translating your store, the navigation style has changed, as shown in the screenshot:The reason for this situation is that the theme's navigation bar is not compatible with our translations.In this case, you need to go to the theme, find the corresponding text resources(usually the resource name starts with meta_menu...), and then delete the translations, after which the display should return to normal.
What to do if the variants are not translated correctly?
The situations where this article applies are when switching to a translation language results in your product color variants not being translated correctly or the translations are missing, as shown in the screenshot.The reason for this issue is that currently, some themes that present variants in color form are not compatible with our products. If this happens, please follow these steps:1. Delete the translation of the variant, which you can usually find in the product section.2. Use the Page element to translate it.For the specific operation of the Page element, see the article at: note that only Starter plan or above have permission to use Page element, if you can't use Page element, please contact our developer to help you.
Visual Editor (Page elements)
For untranslated text in your store, it may come from third-party apps, cookie banners, or other content not provided by the Shopify API. You can translate such content using the Visual Editor or Page element.Note: We do not recommend editing translations for content from the Shopify API, which you can find on the Manage Translation page, using the Visual Editor or Page element. This is because if the theme content changes, the translations modified through the Visual Editor or Page element may not correspond correctly, leading to the loss of translations.There are two methods: Visual Editor:You can edit directly on the store's preview page.Page element:you need to enter the text or the corresponding class or ID to complete the translation replacement.Please note that Please note that the iframe content does not support the use of page element translation.Visual EditorYou can go to the Translation> Visual editor to use it.Click on "Visual edit" Then, you'll be redirected to your website, with the ability to edit all your translations. To edit a translation, click on the text you want to edit. A box will pop out, and you will be able to change the translations. You have the possibility to reach specific pages with the URL bar on the top left of the screen:When your edits are done, you can go to your website and refresh it; you should see the translated content edited.Page ElementClick on "View history" >= Click on"Add element"Step 1:  Choose the element type; there are three types available here.Text: The original text that you want to translate. Class: The class corresponding to the content you want to translate. You need to open your store's page, click the "Inspect ," then hover and click on the area you wish to translate. After that, you can see the class corresponding to the text, copy the class, and paste it into the resource text box.ID:  The id corresponding to the content you want to translate. Just like the way you find the class. Please note that not all texts have corresponding IDs. If you cannot find an ID, please use the other two types.Step 2:  Choose the page you want to work Choose the page you want to work and click "Next"Step 3: Translate the element textClick "Translate All" to perform the translation for all Languages, or edit the translation, and then click "Save."When your edits are done, you can go to your website and refresh it; you should see the translated content edited.
Backup and restore your translation
 If you are concerned about losing translations or wish to revert to the last edited content. You can use the backup and restore feature.First, you need to click 'Backup,' and we will save your current translation file. And when you want to restore, click the 'Restore' button. The translation results will revert to the content from the last backup. Please note, each language can only have one backup, and once you click 'Restore,' the action cannot be undone.Besides this, if you wish to download your translation files to your local device for backup purposes, you can first go to the editing page and click the 'Export' button to export the translation file. When you want to restore this translation, click 'Upload' to upload the file, and the translations will be replaced with the file's content.
Image Translation
Etranslate now supports replace images in different languages. With Replace image, you could replace banner images on any product, collection or other pages like Blogs to have their local versions in target languages on your website.Please noted that the function will not translate the text on any image but you need to prepare the image in target versions beforehand then use this function to upload those prepared images to the translation language version.1. Go to Translation menu -->Image Translation --> Localize images 2. Click on "Select media"--> Select media you want to replace -> Click"Save".You can find product name on Search bar easily then select them to replace image3. Choose the image you want to replace and click on "Edit"4. Paste the replacing image link into the tab or click on "Browse" to upload image in your local library, then click on Save button. When your edits are done, you can go to your website and refresh it; you should see the translated images.Note: The feature may not work well with some special themes. It is always because of code structure problems. Kindly contact us then we can help.
Which content supports translation?
Content that supports translation includes:- All pages of your Shopify store, such as the Homepage, Product page, Collection page, Store theme, Blog, Email, Shop metafields, meta tags, description tags, and more.- You can also use the visual editor feature to translate content from external products.For more detailed information, you can visit the following articles:Translating and localizing your storeContent that does not support translation includes:- URL slugs, such as `/products/en-ca/shoes` can be translated into `/products/es-mx/zapatos`, but the word `products` cannot be translated.- URL slugs cannot be customized for specific markets. Translations can only be added for URL slugs on all markets where a language is visible.- Tags (such as product tags, article tags, and blog tags) cannot be translated.For more detailed information, you can visit the following articles:Limitations of selling in multiple languages
How to translate App proxies page?
Unfortunately, app proxies do not have multi-language support. But we can translate it by the Visual Editor feature. Or you can set up a URL redirection to solve the 404 error.Click "Nevigation"Click "URL Redirects"Click "Create URL redirect"Fill the "Redirect from" textbox with the original URL that you'd like to forward visitors from. Like image.Fill the "Redirect to" textbox with the new URL that visitors should be forwarded to. Like image.Click "Save" or "Save redirect", and done.