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How to set up multi-currency pricing on your Shopify store?
In this article, we'll show you how to convert your product prices to multi currencies. Please note, this feature is solely for price display; If you want to check out with the localized currency, your store need to be integrated with Shopify Payments.Step 1: Set Up Currency Formatting.Go to Switcher&Currency and copy the fomatting exampleClick the setup button, which will take you to the Shopify "Setting > Store > Details"Scroll down to the "Store Currency" section and click "Change currency formatting".Paste the first formatting example into the "HTML with currency" field.Likewise, copy the second formatting example and paste it into the "HTML without currency" field.Step 2:Add Currencies.Click on the add currency button, search and select all the currencies you want to add and click the "Add" button.You can click "Edit" to customize the exchange rates and set price rounding. For the 'Auto' exchange rate, we use the current market rate.Step 3:Preview and PublishAfter adding the currencies, click the 'Customize' button to enter the widget customization page.First, ensure that the 'switcher type' option includes 'currency'. Then, click 'Publish' to see the widget for language and currency switching on the store.After publishing, click the 'Preview' button to switch the currency widget and check if it is functioning properly. At this step, your currency settings are complete.If you wish to customize the widget further, please refer to this article.
How to translate your Shopify store? (New)
In this article, we'll show you how to translate your Shopify Store. This guide applies to newly registered users after 18 July 2024. If you registered before 18 July 2024, check out this article.Step 1: Add Languages and Translate.Step 2: Edit Translation.Step 3: Publish and Preview.Step 4: Auto update Translation.You can also check out the video guide. Step 1:Add Languages and Translate. Go to Language in the menu bar and select all the languages you want to translate your Shopify store into. After successfully adding a language, the translation will start. When the translation is complete, click the Manage button to go to the Manage Translations page.Step 2: Edit Translation. In the Manage Translation page, click on the store page you want to edit to go to the editing page.After entering the editing page, the machine translation results are on the right side. You can correct the translation and then click 'Save' to save your edits. You can also quickly switch between sections using the drop-down menu at the topIf you can't find the content you want to edit, you can use the global search to locate it.Step 3: Publish and Preview. After editing the translation, you need to click the 'Publish' button to release that language into the live store and click Preview to preview the translated version of your store.Access your store's website, and you can see our widget. You can check the translation status by switching the widget's language. At this point, the translation of your current store is complete.If you wish to customize the widget further, please refer to this article.Step 4: Auto update Translation.If your store content is updated in the future and you want to automatically update the translations, enable the "Auto Translation" feature. Please note that only "Products" and "Collections" will be automatically sync. For other content, free plan users need to sync manually, while paid users will have an automatic sync from 2 to 3 AM daily. You can also sync immediately by clicking the sync button. If you haven't enabled "Auto Translation," any updates to your store content will not be automatically translated. You can check the number of "Items Translated" to confirm if everything has been translated. And you can click "Translate" to manually execute the translation process.Please note that we currently interface with the Shopify API to obtain text for translation. If you find that the translation is not available through this method, it may be that the Shopify API does not provide it, it originates from a third-party app, or the text is in an Iframe format. If it comes from: Parcel Panel Order Tracking, PageFly, Product Reviews, please refer to this article.If it is from other apps, please refer to this article to use the Visual Editor for translation.
How to edit and manage your translation?
In this  article, we'll show you how to manage translation. You can also check out the video guide.Edit translationAuto update TranslationEdit translation Click the "Manage" button to enter the "Manage Translation" page. And then click on the store page you want to edit to go to the editing page.After entering the editing page, the machine translation results are on the right side. You can correct the translation and then click 'Save' to save your edits. You can also quickly switch between sections using the drop-down menu at the topIf you can't find the content you want to edit, you can use the global search to locate it.Please note that we currently interface with the Shopify API to obtain text for translation. If you cannot find that the translation, it may be that the Shopify API does not provide it, it originates from a third-party app, or the text is in an Iframe format.If it comes from: Parcel Panel Order Tracking, PageFly, Product Reviews, please refer to this article.If it is from other apps, please refer to this article to use the Visual Editor for translation.Auto update Translation.If your store content is updated in the future and you want to automatically update the translations, enable the "Auto Translation" feature.Please note that only "Products" and "Collections" will be automatically sync. For other content, free plan users need to sync manually, while paid users will have an automatic sync from 2 to 3 AM daily. You can also sync immediately by clicking the “Sync” button. If you haven't enabled "Auto Translation," any updates to your store content will not be automatically translated. You can check the number of "Items Translated" to confirm if everything has been translated. And you can click 'Translate' to manually initiate the translation process.First, select the content to update translations; numbers highlighted in yellow indicate that there are new additions or updates to the original content of the module. After selecting, choose the translation type: 'Not-translated' means translating newly added fields of the items, while ' Outdated' means translating where the original content has been changed. After making your selection, click 'Translate'.
How to customize Switcher?
In this  article, we'll show you how to customize your Language & Currency Switcher. You can also watch video.Click the Switcher Tab in the menu bar.1. Customize PositionFirstly,select the embedding style for the switcher on the page.Embed: The widget is embedded as a component of the page, fixed in a specific position.Float: The widget floats on the page; you can choose whether to fix it in a specific position or let it move with the page.Then, click on the switcher, then drag the widget to the desired position 2. Customize LayoutSwitch to the Layout Tab. You can choose the display elements of the switcher and change their order by dragging.Select the style of the dropdown box.If you want to customize the style of the selection box individually, check the "Custom selector element individually"  and set the  elements for the selection box separately. If unchecked, the switcher button and the selection box will remain consistent.3. Customize StyleIf you want the switcher‘s style to match the theme's style, switch to the Style Tab. You can adjust the switcher‘s style, including the widget background color, button color, font color, and border.If none of the above operations allow you to customize the widget to a suitable position or style, you can achieve this by editing the CSS code in the Style Tab.You should switch to the mobile view to customize the switcher for the mobile experience.