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What to do if the variants are not translated correctly?
What to do if the variants are not translated correctly?

The situations where this article applies are when switching to a translation language results in your product color variants not being translated correctly or the translations are missing, as shown in the screenshot.

The reason for this issue is that currently, some themes that present variants in color form are not compatible with our products. If this happens, please follow these steps:

1. Delete the translation of the variant, which you can usually find in the product section.

2. Use the Page element to translate it.
For the specific operation of the Page element, see the article at:

Please note that only Starter plan or above have permission to use Page element, if you can't use Page element, please contact our developer to help you.

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Auto update Translation
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Glossary(Add translation rules)
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How to translate your Shopify store? (New)
App Translation
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How to translate Filters?
How to translate your Shopify store?(Old)
Visual Editor (Page elements)
Backup and restore your translation
Image Translation
How to translate App proxies page?