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Translation Features Update
Translation Features Update

We are excited to introduce the latest changes to our translation features that will enhance your user experience and provide more flexibility in managing translations.

Section 1: Translation Type Field Relocation

The translation type field, previously located in a different section, is now conveniently placed directly below the language selection. To switch between different translation types, simply click on the "more" button located on the action list.

Section 2: Menu structure Changes

Let’s take a look at Langwill’s old vs upgraded menu structure for your better visualization:

  • Language-->Language、Manage Translation
  • Switcher & Currency --> Switcher 、Currency
  • Translation --> Other Translation

Section 3: Basic Translation Function Changes

Basic type of language Automatically translates using browser's built-in translation feature, unable to edit translation results. So If you require the ability to edit and view translation results, please switch to the Advanced type.

Section 4: The Relocation of the Basic Translation for Default Language Feature

The "Basic translation for default Language" switch, originally located on the Manage Translation page, has now been replaced with adding a translation language as the default language in the language list. For more detail, please refer to this article.

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The Relocation of the Basic Translation for Default Language Feature
Brand Name Change Notification