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Image Translation
Image Translation

Etranslate now supports replace images in different languages. With Replace image, you could replace banner images on any product, collection or other pages like Blogs to have their local versions in target languages on your website.

Please noted that the function will not translate the text on any image but you need to prepare the image in target versions beforehand then use this function to upload those prepared images to the translation language version.

1. Go to Translation menu -->Image Translation --> Localize images 

2. Click on "Select media"--> Select media you want to replace -> Click"Save".

You can find product name on Search bar easily then select them to replace image

3. Choose the image you want to replace and click on "Edit"

4. Paste the replacing image link into the tab or click on "Browse" to upload image in your local library, then click on Save button. 

When your edits are done, you can go to your website and refresh it; you should see the translated images.

Note: The feature may not work well with some special themes. It is always because of code structure problems. Kindly contact us then we can help.

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