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How to Translate PageFly with Langwill | Shopify App Translation
How to Translate PageFly with Langwill | Shopify App Translation

Langwill has seamlessly integrated with the PageFly Landing Page Builder app, enabling you to fully utilize our high-quality translation engine for your Shopify store’s landing pages.

Follow these simple steps to translate PageFly Landing Page Builder:

Step 1: Install PageFly Landing Page Builder

  1. Click "Install" to download the PageFly Landing Page Builder app from the Shopify App Store.

2. Once installed, follow the instructions to create the landing page you need in PageFly.

Step 2: Preview and Verify Installation

  1. Click "Preview" to allow Langwill to verify and monitor the proper installation of PageFly and ensure everything is set up correctly.

Step 3: Access Langwill for Translation

  1. After installing and previewing, return to Langwill.
  2. Navigate to Other Translation > App Translation.
  3. You’ll see PageFly listed in Edit status.

Step 4: Edit and Translate Content

  1. Click the Edit button next to PageFly to access the translation details page.
  2. Click Translate All to begin translating all available content.

Additionally, you can click the icons next to specific content to review and apply any previously made translations.

Step 5: Review Translations

Now, you can view the multilingual PageFly landing page on your storefront.

Why Translate PageFly with Langwill?

  • Seamless integration: Langwill integrates smoothly with PageFly, allowing for quick and accurate translations.
  • Multilingual support: Provide a consistent, localized experience for your global customers.

For any issues or questions, please contact our support team at [email protected].

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