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How to translate default Language?
How to translate default Language?

What is default language?

Default Language is the language you set for your store on Shopify. Your visitors will see this language if their preferred language isn't available. Langwill will use this language as the first language to translate to other translation languages.

If the default language selected for your store does not match the language filled out in your product information, and you wish to display the default language to customers.

For example: If your store language is set to English, but your product information is written in German, and you want to present your store in English to users.

In this case, you have two ways to translate the default language.

1. Active basic translation for default language.

Please note that When a translation language is set as the default, editing the translation results is temporarily not supported.

2. Change your default language.

Change the default language of your shop to the correct language.

We recommend the second method so that you can edit the translations to show a more accurate translation of the store

1. Active basic translation for default language.

Click on ‘Add language’, then select the default language and click on “Translate”.
Please note that editing default language translations is not supported at this time. To disable translation, please delete that language.

2. Change your default language.

Just simply go to Shopify admin --> Settings --> Languages --> Published languages -> Click on the button Change default --> Select the actual language in which you fill in the product information.

After switching to the language in which you filled in the product information, you can then switch back to our product, add the language you want to show to your users, and then edit the translation results.

Please note that if you switch the default language, all text in your default language will be lost. If you want to keep the text in the original default language, you can do the following steps.
For example, if you want to change the default language from English to German, you can:
1. Backup translations (English) text: Ensure that you have a backup of all your existing translations. Exporting the CSV file with current translations

2. Switch the default language to German

3. Manually re-import translations: If the translations are not automatically carried over when changing the default language, you can try manually re-importing them using the exported CSV file. Choose the new default language (German) and use the "Upload file" option to import the CSV file containing the translations. Shopify should map the translations from the file to the appropriate fields.

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