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How to set up Shopify Market and make it work with Langwill?
How to set up Shopify Market and make it work with Langwill?

In this article, you'll learn what Shopify Markets is and how to ensure compatibility with Langwill.

What's Shopify Market?

The Shopify Markets feature allows users to create their own international e-markets on their Shopify store and easily sell products in several countries all around the world. With  Shopify Markets,  you can create tailored online shopping experiences for different buyer segments. 

Kindly follow this article for more details on how to set up a specific market in Shopify or contact Shopify support for more advice.

How to make Markets compatible with Langwill?

After you set up market properly in Shopify then you can go to Language menu in the app to add translation language to map your market setting in Shopify. By doing that, you can configure Langwill app to make language worked perfectly with Shopify market.

Language >> Manage Translation

After you have added a translation language, by default, it will assign this language to all your existing markets. You can see the markets to which the language has been assigned at the bottom right.

If you wish to reassign, you can click on "Manage" to set up.

If the market you’ve set up doesn’t appear, try clicking "Sync Shopify Markets" to update and synchronize.

If it still doesn’t show up after syncing, check whether you’ve configured a separate domain for that market.

Here’s how to configured a separate domain for that market:

  1. Click "Manage Domains" and select either the subfolders or domains/subdomains option.
  2. If using subfolders, add the market shortcode (e.g., /bj) to the main domain, save the changes, and then return to our app to sync the settings.

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