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Glossary(Add translation rules)
Glossary(Add translation rules)

In this article, you will find how to exclude word(s) such as brand name, navigation on menu bar, etc to be never translated or always translated in a custom way which is called Glossary feature.

First, go to Settings >> Glossary >> Click on "Add rules"

  • Enter text (default word) that you want to set rule.

  • Select translation language if you want the rule to be applied to all the language or just for a specific one.

  • If you want to perform a case-sensitive replacement, check the "Case sensitive" option.  As shown in the figure below, set Always translate 'Etranslate' to 'Etranslate'". If this option is not checked, variations like "ETranslate" and "ETRANSLATE" will all be translated to "Etranslate". However, if this option is checked, only the exact match "Etranslate" will be translated to "Etranslate", and the others will not be.

  • Click on the "Save" button.

Now, your rule has been automatically added to the Translation exceptions list.

Please note that once you have added a rule, the glossary rule will only apply to translations made subsequently. Previously generated translations will not be affected by this rule.

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