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Brand Name Change Notification
Brand Name Change Notification

We're excited to share that, our product Etranslate, which provides translation and currency conversion solutions for Shopify stores, is rebranded as Langwill. This change won't affect your experience with our product.

Why the Change?

Our rebranding to Langwill is more than a name change; it's a reflection of our expanded commitment to not just translate your Shopify store but to support your journey towards successful globalization.

A Fresh Look

Along with the new name, we've also updated our branding with a modern new logo and visual identity. We're thrilled about this evolution and believe Langwill will enable us to better serve you as global solutions.


No Action Required

The transition to Langwill will happen automatically, and your experience with our product will continue uninterrupted. You don't need to take any action.

We're excited about this new chapter and look forward to continuing to help you globalize your business as Langwill. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.

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Translation Features Update
The Relocation of the Basic Translation for Default Language Feature