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Visual Editor (Page elements)
Visual Editor (Page elements)

For untranslated text in your store, it may come from third-party apps, cookie banners, or other content not provided by the Shopify API. You can translate such content using the Visual Editor or Page element.


We do not recommend editing translations for content from the Shopify API, which you can find on the Manage Translation page, using the Visual Editor or Page element. This is because if the theme content changes, the translations modified through the Visual Editor or Page element may not correspond correctly, leading to the loss of translations.

There are two methods: 

  • Visual Editor:You can edit directly on the store's preview page.

  • Page element:you need to enter the text or the corresponding class or ID to complete the translation replacement.

Please note that Please note that the iframe content does not support the use of page element translation.

Visual Editor

You can go to the Translation> Visual editor to use it.

Click on "Visual edit" Then, you'll be redirected to your website, with the ability to edit all your translations. 

To edit a translation, click on the text you want to edit. A box will pop out, and you will be able to change the translations. 

You have the possibility to reach specific pages with the URL bar on the top left of the screen:

When your edits are done, you can go to your website and refresh it; you should see the translated content edited.

Page Element

Click on "View history" >= Click on"Add element"

Step 1:  Choose the element type; there are three types available here.

  • Text: The original text that you want to translate. 

  • Class: The class corresponding to the content you want to translate. You need to open your store's page, click the "Inspect ," then hover and click on the area you wish to translate. After that, you can see the class corresponding to the text, copy the class, and paste it into the resource text box.

  • ID:  The id corresponding to the content you want to translate. Just like the way you find the class. Please note that not all texts have corresponding IDs. If you cannot find an ID, please use the other two types.

Step 2:  Choose the page you want to work

 Choose the page you want to work and click "Next"

Step 3: Translate the element text

Click "Translate All" to perform the translation for all Languages, or edit the translation, and then click "Save."

When your edits are done, you can go to your website and refresh it; you should see the translated content edited.

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